Bloch Sphere (Instructions)

|ψ> = i |0> + i |1>

|ψ> = i |0> + i |1>


* π /

State Vector
LittleEndian BigEndian Bitstring

This is a two qubit Bloch diagram visualization and manipulation tool. In addition to changing the Bloch sphere's, QIDE JSON is generated for each of the operations which can be copy-n-paste'd over to here for further analysis (or to transpile to Q#). Note: Remove the "use_2_bit" field as this is only used for this Bloch sphere tool.

The general idea is to select one of the two qubits and apply either one-ubit gates (the first two rows of gates) or two-qubit gates (the third row of gates). Note that as soon as you use a two-qubit gate, the qubits become entangled and the Bloch visualization no longer applies (nor do the individual qubit probability vectors). At this point, only the state vector (shown below the QIDE JSON) represents the state of the two-qubit system.

Sample Walkthrough:

  • Select the first qubit (i.e. click on the first sphere)
  • Click the X gate
  • Select the second qubit
  • Click the X gate
  • Select the first qubit again
  • Click the H gate (placing the first qubit into a superposition of |0> and |1>)
  • Click the CNOT gate (entangling the two qubits via the Controlled Not gate)